Class 1 2024 - 2025

Miss Hunter

A Taste of Daily Life in Class 1

Teacher: Miss Hunter  TA: Miss Sanchez

Our Classroom doors open at 8:45am, by Miss Hunter and Miss Sanchez, and our day is ready to begin with a smile on our faces and a morning starter task to complete at our tables. This is also when we complete our collective worship time either in the classroom or during assemblies.
We will then start our day by completing our English tasks which is then followed on by having our Milk and Toast. After this we will complete Maths and Phonics before heading off to the hall to enjoy our dinnertime. After dinnertime we will then make our way outside to play with our friends using lots of equipment learning different games together.
After dinnertime is where we will complete the rest of our national curriculum subjects such as of Science, History, Geography, Religious Education, Music Computing and Art & Design. During these lessons we will have fruit time and children can choose from a range of fruits to help keep their energy up for the afternoon.
We acknowledge achievements by receiving stickers and Dojo points and being praised for our achievements in assemblies.
Reading is super important in Year One and we have countless opportunities throughout the day and in phonics to practice our reading. 

Class One is a happy, safe place, just the right environment to learn. We have written our own class rules that we all know we must obey to keep our class room a happy and safe place to be.
Every day is a busy and fun day in Year One but at the end of the day it is time for us to relax, recap on phonics and listen to a story for us to enjoy after a hard day’s work.

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