Class 5 2024 - 2025

Miss Herrera

Miss Newton

A Taste of Daily Life in Class 5

Teachers: Miss Herrera/Miss Newton TAs: Mr Lang, Miss Wilson

Miss Herrera teaches Monday and Tuesday and Miss Newton teaches Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Our learning starts straight away with Registration activities so we need to make sure we arrive on time! TTRockstars 3 minute challenge will help you zoom up the Rockstars chart. Can you be a Times Tables Rockstar Hero? Knowing your multiplication and division facts is so important in many areas of Maths.

Spag-spotters are a fun and fast way to revisit all the word types.

One day we start with our Reading Journey activity – our first book to share will be Robo Dog.

Spelling Shed activities will help you get ten out of ten in our weekly spelling test and earn three merits!

P.E lessons with Salford Community Leisure Team take place on Wednesdays.

Winners of Worker of the Week can earn merits for good manners, neat presentation or effort. They can choose a prize each Friday.

Doors are open at 8.45 am so collect your bagel and start the day ready to learn – Welcome to Class 5.

Mornings are for our core subjects English and Maths. Afternoons we study Science, History, Geography, R.E.& British Values, Jigsaw (PHSE) Purple Mash Computing, Art, Design and Technology, French and Music.

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